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Play on under strict CV rules

The coronavirus impacts on the functioning of our society continues to evolve on a day-to-day basis. The current situation is:

* The course is open for play

* The clubhouse is closed completely

* The Spike Bar will be open for limited hours only on Thursday and Saturday and only for food and non-alcoholic beverages. Only one person will be allowed to go into spike bar at any one time.

* No alcohol is permitted to be consumed or brought on to the course. This will be strictly enforced as a breach could result in immediate shut down for the club.

* Buggies will only be hired for use by a single person at $16 for members and $20 for non-members.

* Only four people will be allowed in Pro Shop at any one time. Competition score cards are to be left in the competition box which will now be placed outside the Pro Shop.

* Do not congregate together outside the Spike Bar or Pro Shop - maintain strict adherence to the social distancing recommendations.

Karen Leonard will continue to work from 9am to 3pm but can only be contacted by phone on 4927 3311 or by email (

If you want your club to remain open for as long as possible, please follow these measures to the letter of the law.

Daily updates are being provided on the Golf Australia website - if there is any significant change in the situation we will notify members as soon as possible via newsletter, website and Facebook.


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